Trademark Living - B2B furniture and interior
We are the place where you can find a wide range of old vintage interior, recycled furniture, lighting, home accessories and decor.
Clay pots & plant pots
Welcome to our pitcher universe, embracing both classic and contemporary design. Our pots are available in a variety of sizes and materials. Buy now
virtual showroom
Take a tour through the
showroom of Trademark Living!
'Living chair' - a Trademark Living icon
Luckily we are able to offer a wide range of commercial restaurant chairs, that can be mixed and matched to suit you and your decor best.
Our collection consists of both newly produced chairs and old original vintage chairs, where we do not compromise on comfort and design.
Aesthetically. Raw. Lighting.
Find your favourite among our adventurous lamps for hanging, floor and tables and create a m(Oh)ment of cosiness.
"You must never underestimate the atmosphere that lamps can add to a room - it's pure magic."
— Sandie Cully, Interior Consultant
Terms and conditions
Only B2B | Minimum order is 500,- EUR and prepayment for new customers | Ex Works